COVID-19 Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new layer of vulnerability to the Cyclone Idai affected communities in Zimbabwe. In response to this, the Zimbabwe Idai Recovery Project (ZIRP) developed a response plan for all project sectors in line with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Government of Zimbabwe COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines.

The contingency plan is based on rapid assessment of foreseen COVID-19 implications and projected impacts on the project planned activities, including the scope of works, timeline, budget and procurement implications and Environmental and Social (E&S) safeguards and is tracked monthly.

To meet the emerging needs from the effects of COVID-19, the World Bank approved an additional US$3 million to WHO and FAO for scale-up and reprogramming for provision of critical livelihood and lifesaving (health) assistance under ZIRP. The scale-up interventions will be implemented through WHO and FAO, while UNICEF and UNOPS Community Infrastructure interventions have been reprogrammed.

ZIRP is supporting the health systems response to COVID-19 through capacity strengthening at institutional and community level by reinforcing COVID-19 surveillance, lab support, case management, IPC, including RCCE and continuity of essential services in line with the COVID-19 National Response Plan and priorities.


4 ambulances, 2 four-wheel drive vehicles and 1 PCR extraction machine purchased to strengthen disease surveillance and response


18 motorcycles procured for delivery specimen transportation


36 EHTs provided with laptops, tablets and phones to use in disease surveillance


4,276 VHWs and 9 UNICEF Health training centres in Chimanimani and Chipinge districts requipped with PPEs including IPC supplies and diagnostic and testing kits for Mission hospitals (100% of targeted VHWs)


5 ZIRP-supported mission hospital labs received supplies and consumables


580 VHWs recruited, trained and deployed increasing the coverage in the targeted districts to at least 81% of villages with VHWs


168 health workers from 19 Health Facilities (7 ZIRP-supported mission hospitals and 12 Regional Council Clinics) were trained on case management and IPC ; and are now deployed


99839 specimens have been transported to government labs for testing


10 art murals have been completed for community messaging targeting nearly 2.5 million people indirectly in the 9 ZIRP districts


812 community peer supervisors were identified and oriented on supportive supervisory, mentorship and coaching skills


2,476 VHWS supported through orientation and capacity building efforts on integrated community case management including COVID-19 prevention, community-based surveillance and IPC at home (covering all 9 ZIRP districts)


130 Environmental Health Technicians (EHTs) were trained on disease surveillance and are now deployed

COVID-19 prevention messaging through Mobile Units 
Supporting Cyclone affected communities in the fight against COVID-19 
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Learn how ZIRP is helping communities deal with COVID-19